Send us a text Surprise! The Fangirls chatted with critically acclaimed thriller author Rachel Howze...
Send us a text The third annual Kandy Awards are finally here! The Fangirls reminisce about the last...
Send us a text The penultimate episode of season three has The Fangirls chatting with Cecy Robson ab...
Send us a text Christmas came early for The Fangirls because they got to chat with author Jason June...
Send us a text The Fangirls usher in their 100th episode with their very first Threepeat Offender! R...
Send us a text This may seem like another week, another interview, but this week is extra special be...
Send us a text Did you know that it was written in the cards that The Fangirls would reconnect with ...
Send us a text Did you hear something? Oh, that was just some fragile male egos shattering. The Fang...