What would you say to a book with The Princess Diaries vibes, but with two gay princes? I know, I was also immediately in.

Please Note: While I read this book at the beginning of the January, I haven’t talked about it until now due to the HarperCollins Union strike. Now that the union has (finally!) received the contract they've been fighting for, let me tell you about Edward Dinnissen and Billy Boone.

Edward is the Crown Prince of Canada and he loves everything about it - except that he has to stay in the closet for fear of what his parents and the citizens of his country will say. On the flip side, Billy is an out and proud cowboy in a small town in Montana who feels like there is something missing in his life. A chance encounter between the two in New York leads to the discovery that they are long-lost twins. With this new knowledge, they work to figure out their new normal while navigating high school, coming out, and a coronation.

This book was so much fun from start to finish! The dual POV really helped to show how different Edward and Billy were from each other while also subtly showing what they needed from each other. Our twinces (IYKYK) are very clearly products of their upbringing and their actions and motivations are easy to understand throughout. Additionally, the supporting characters are also fully fleshed out individuals that really pulled the entire story together. I could read a book centered around any of them really and I think that says a lot about the strength of writing.

Curveballs get thrown at the characters throughout the story and, while they weren’t always a surprise, they flowed effortlessly and never felt like they were just tossed in to add drama. A lot of plot points that are revealed later in the story (especially during the climax) felt super obvious once they were presented but were not things that I felt confident thinking were absolutely going to happen. I was kept second guessing myself and my theories throughout the book, and that was an incredibly fun journey.

A Tale of Two Princes by Eric Geron is available now and can be purchased here.

Disclaimer: I received an advanced copy of this book from the publisher for free and have voluntarily written this review. If you purchase a copy using my Bookshop affiliate link above, not only will I receive a small commission (which will fuel my coffee and tea addiction and help to keep me up all night reading more books to recommend to you), but you will be supporting indie bookstores as well!
